8 mars 2023

Modular ash conveyor

Our customer works in the steel industry, processing sheet metal for machine tools. Recently, it has installed [...]


    Our customer, which operates in the steel industry and specialises in the transformation of sheet metal for machine tools, recently acquired a boiler to incinerate its steel waste and transform it into ash. However, it had no solution for transporting this ash to a skip.


    AA Biomasse designed a modular conveyor from the 400 range, capable of transporting 10 m³ of ash per hour. This conveyor is equipped with an electro-galvanised metal belt that is resistant to humidity and water. In addition, our customer wanted a system that could be easily dismantled to facilitate maintenance and cleaning. So we opted for a modular solution that was adaptable, versatile and very easy to dismantle.

    The conveyor is positioned at the boiler outlet to receive 100 mm blocks of ash. These blocks are moistened before falling into the conveyor, which cools them and prevents the formation of smoke. They are then transported to a skip.

    Do you have a conveying or waste evacuation project, or would you like more information about our conveying solutions? Contact our sales representatives.

    Product features

    Modular conveyor, 63 mm pitch

    Electrogalvanised metal belt

    Exit chute

    Automatic grease nipples

    Motor with torque limiter