11 août 2022

Biomass conveyor for green gas

What is green gas? Green gas consists of using combustible resources such as green waste, wood chips, cores or hulls to produce [...].

    What is green gas?

    Green gas is produced from combustible resources such as green waste, wood chips and fruit stones or shells. This waste is fed into a gasification unit, which converts the fuel into gas. This gas is then filtered before being used for heating as required.


    Our customer, who specialises in the production of green energy, required a network of conveyors to transport wood chips from the skip to the gasification machines. To meet this need, they called on AA Biomasse, experts in biomass conveying solutions.


    The AA Biomasse teams created the biomass conveyor network, connected to the 4 gasification units producing the green gas. A first conveyor receives the wood chips and transfers them to a second, fully enclosed conveyor, which directs them to a network of conveyors connected to the Nobilis machines.

    The conveyors are equipped with metal scrapers with a pitch of 63 mm and use electro-galvanised technology, enabling a variety of materials to be transported. Covered sidewalls ensure that the material remains contained. This tailor-made solution meets the customer's needs, offering optimum performance and improving productivity.

    Do you have a waste evacuation or chip transport project, or would you like more information about our conveyor solutions? Contact our sales representatives.
