renewable energy
Biomass-based renewable energy processes encompass various technologies aimed at harnessing bio-based organic matter to produce energy sustainably.
Biomass-based renewable energy processes encompass various technologies aimed at harnessing bio-based organic matter to produce energy sustainably. This approach contributes to the transition to cleaner and renewable energy sources. Here are some key aspects of this field of activity:
1-Electricity Production: Biomass plants can convert organic matter into electricity through processes such as direct combustion, cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP). These processes offer a green alternative to producing electricity from fossil fuels.
2-Biogas and Methanization: Biomass can be treated by methanization processes to produce biogas, composed mainly of methane. This biogas can be used for the production of electricity and heat, but also as fuel for vehicles or injected into natural gas networks.
3-Biofuels: Some biomass processes are focused on producing biofuels, such as biodiesel and bioethanol, which can be used as more sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels in the transportation sector.
4-Pyrolysis and Gasification: Biomass can be transformed by pyrolysis (heating in the absence of oxygen) or gasification processes to produce biochar, syngas (syngas) or charcoal, which can be used to the production of electricity, heat or as raw material in various industrial applications.
5-Reduction of Emissions: The use of biomass for renewable energy production contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels, because biomass uses carbon captured during plant growth.
6-Waste Management: Biomass processes facilitate the sustainable management of organic waste, thereby reducing dependence on landfills while recovering these materials in the form of energy.
7-Support for Local Economies: By promoting the use of local resources, biomass projects can stimulate regional economies, particularly in the agricultural and forestry sector, while contributing to energy security.
Although biomass-based renewable energy processes have many advantages, challenges remain, such as sustainable resource management, competition with other uses of biomass, and the need to maintain high environmental standards. However, these technologies continue to play a crucial role in diversifying the global energy mix and promoting a transition to more sustainable energy sources.
Our projects
7 mars 2024
Biomass conveying dosing hopper
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Biomass storage, dosing and weighing hopper
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Biomass heating plant in Passy, 74
18 août 2024
Biomass heating plant Prytanée national militaire de La Flèche 72
16 octobre 2024